Recenetly I have to develop a system which generates highly formatted emails. And I decided that I will do that in my home instead of office. After spending some time I figure out a way to do this. I configured IIS server in Windows Vista to save emails in my local drive. and I can see those emails from my outlook express. Here are the details that how to configure IIS:-
1- Run IIS from Start->run->inetmgr
2- Select your PC name from connections pane. and Right Click on SMTP E-Mail in middle pane.
3- In Features screen select Store e-mail in a pickup directory.
4- I have entered D:\Mails in the path.
5- Now goto D:\Mails (or what ever folder you mentioend).
6- When your application sends mail , mails will be saved in that folder with .eml extension. You can view those files with outlook.
7- If still not getting emails in your folder then try to add this line in your code before sending email:-
smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis;
How to Test System Generated Emails without Internet in Vista
Zeeshan Umar
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